Tag Fill

Fill in the Blanks and Complete the Sentences

Posted on 30th Jun 2022 11:23:59 PM Fill, Blanks, Complete, Sentences, Class, Six

1. I run in my free time. It keeps me---------. 2. I paint in my free time.---------gives---------pleasure. 3. I talk to my family in other countries in my free time. ---------keeps--------- connected. 4. I listen to music in my free time. ---------makes---------happy. 5. My grandmother exercises in her free time. ---------keeps---------healthy.

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Fill in the blanks with a/an/the

Posted on 24th Dec 2021 10:01:25 PM Fill, in, the, blanks, with, a, an, the

Azad is ----- doctor. Ans: a, ----- Chowdhury came to see me. Ans: A, ----- one-legged man walks by limping. Ans: A, ----- Union is ----- group of people. Ans: A, a, ----- ass is a beast of burden. Ans: An, ----- Omer won the prize. Ans: An, ----- orange is a tasty fruit. Ans: An, Bring me ----- First-aid-kit. Ans: the, Chandrabati is ----- first woman poet of Bangla literature. Ans: the,

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