Write a paragraph on Raja Ram Mohan Roy

Posted on 7th Jan 2022 10:52:33 PM Paragraph, Composition

Raja Ram Mohan Roy was the pioneer of modern India. His role as a reformer was twofold. He was a religious reformer as well as a social reformer. He revolted against idolatry and laid the step stone for the Brahmo Samaj. On the other hand he tried heart and soul to remove the evil customs of the society of his times such as caste-prejudice, early marriage, widow-burning etc. He was greatly shocked at the deplorable condition of the society as these evil customs were eating into the vitals of the society. He was out and out a humanist. He ceaselessly challenged the 'Satidaha' (Sati Pratha) system and in the long run he was successful in his attempt with the help of Lord William Bentinck. The name of Raja Ram Mohan Roy and the abolition of the cruel 'Satidaha' (Sati Pratha) system are inseparable from each other. He wished to spread modern culture and education into the conservative fabric of our society. In fact, he was the first beacon light of renaissance in Bengal as well as in India.