Posted on 12th Sep 2020 04:19:38 AM Paragraph
Everybody knows teas stall. There is hardly anyone who does not visit it. Ordinarily, it is a small shop where tea is prepared and sold. A tea stall is a common sight in our country. It is found in cities, towns, bazaars, railway station, bus stands and even in villages. It is a small shop. In a tea stall there are few chairs, tables or branches. Biscuits, cakes, loaf, bananas, cigarettes, and betel leaf are also sold here. There is often a boy or two to serve tea to the customers. The manager sits behind the cash box and collects money from the customer. An ordinary tea stall is dirty. A kettle is always kept hot on the stove. A tea stall opens in the morning and closes late night. A tea stall is a popular place. It is, in fact, a place for gossip, rest and recreation. It is frequented by the weary passers by, the tired office assistance, the fatigued laborers, the exhausted rickshaw pullers, as well as the students and the political workers. They take tea and talk with one another. They discuss on various subject. They also talk on a village politics, national and international politics and on current affairs. It is, in fact, a pleasure resort for people of all age groups and all walks of life. Sometimes customers raise a storm over a cup of tea. All types of civil crime like quarrelling, threatening-are come from a gathering place like tea stall. The modern crime named eve teasing occurs in a tea stall. The vagabond boys used to sit here all the time, use slang words to the others and taking open cigarettes in front of the seniors. That's why the social morality is hampered in a great way. Sometimes drugs like gaza, heroine also supplies from a tea stall. Nevertheless, a tea stall is an important place of social gathering indeed. The quality and standard of tea-stalls vary from place to place according to the status of the locality where they are run.
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