Abbreviation | শব্দ সংক্ষেপ | সংক্ষিপ্তকরণ | সমাহার | সংক্ষেপণ | সঙ্কোচন

Posted on 27th Dec 2022 01:35:48 AM Dictionary

ABM = Anti Ballistic Missile.
ADB = Asian Development Bank/African Development Bank.
ADP = Annual Development Program.  
AEC = Atomic Energy commission.
ACU = Asian Clearing Union.
AFP = Agency France press.
AFTA = Asian Free Trade Area.
ANC = African National Congress.
ANZUS = Australia New Zealand and United States.
APEC = Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation.
ASEAN = Associated of South East Asian Nations.
ADBB = Agricultural Development Bang of Bangladesh.  
AID = Agency of International Development.
AHQ = Army Head Quarters.
AMC = Army Medical Crops.
AMS = Army Medical Service.
AOD = Army Ordnance Depot.
ATS = Anti Tetanus Serum.
ATAB = Association of Travel Agent of Bangladesh.
BCG = Bacillus Calmette Guerin.
BLEU = Belgaum-Luxembourg Economic Union.  
BIMSTEC = Bay of Bengal Initiative of Multi Sector Technical and Economic Co- operation 
BSF = Border Security Force.
BADC = Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation.
BAEC = Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission.
BRRI = Bangladesh Rice Research Institute.
BCCB = Bangladesh Cricket Control Board.
BRTC = Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation.
BRTA = Bangladesh Road Transport Authority.
BFA = Bangladesh Football Association.
BFF = Bangladesh Football Federation. 
BJEC = Bangladesh Jute Export Corporation. 
BJIC = Bangladesh Jute Industries Corporation.
BJMC = Bangladesh Jute Marketing/Mills Corporation.
BJTC = Bangladesh Jute Trading Corporation.
BJRI = Bangladesh Jute Research Institute.
BPDB = Bangladesh Power Development Board.
BWDB = Bangladesh Water Development Board.
BIWTA = Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority.
BIWTC = Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation.
BRAC = Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee.
BSFIC = Bangladesh Sugar and Food Industrial Corporation.
BTMC = Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporation.
BNCC = Bangladesh National Cadet Corps. 
BUET = Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology.
BSTI = Bangladesh Stander Time Institute.
BSIC = Bangladesh Small Industries Corporation. 
BRRI = Bangladesh Rice Research Institute. 
BTRC = Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission 
CTBT = Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban-Treaty.
CPA = Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.
CIDRAP = Center on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific.
CIA = Central Intelligence Agency.
CBI = Central Bureau of Investigation.
CID = Criminal Investigation Development.
CIS = Commonwealth of Independent States
CARE = Co-operation for Assistance and Relit Everywhere
CMH = Combined Military Hospital 
CNG = Compressed Natural Gas 
CEC = Chief Election Commissioner 
ECM = European Common Market.
EFTA = European Free Trade Association.
ESRO = European Space Research Organization.
ESCAP = Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.
EBRD = European Bang for Reconstruction and Development.
EU = European Union.
EIB = European Investment Bank.
EPZ = Export processing zone.
ERD = Economic Relations Division.
ECNEC = Executive Committee of National Economical Council
FBI = Federal Bureau of Investigation.
FIFA = Federation of International Football Association.
FAO = Food and Agricultural Organization.
FFYP = Fourth Five Year Plan.
FIC = Flood Information Centre.
GEMS = Global Environment Monitoring System.
GATT = General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
GCC = Gulf Co-operation Council.
GDP = Gross Domestic Product.
GNP = Gross National Product.
GTTN = Global Trade and Technology Network.
IDA = International Development Authority.
IDB = International Development Bank.
IDB = Islamic Development Bank. 
ICJ = International Court of Justice.
IMF = International Monetary Fund.
IFAD = International Fund for Agricultural Development.
IRA = Irish Republican Army.
IBRO = International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
IRDB = International Rural Development board. 
IRRI = International Rice Research Institute.   
IAEA = International Atomic Energy Agency.
IRDP = Integrated Rural Development Program.
ISSB = Inter Service Selection Board.
ICDDRB = International Center for Diarrhoeal Disease Research Bangladesh.  
ICTVTRB = International Islamic Centre for Technical and Vocational Training and Research in Bangladesh. 
IPCC = International panel on Climate Change. 
JKLF = Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front.
JICA = Japan International Co-operation Agency.
LPG = Liquefied Petroleum Gas.
LGED = Local Government Engineering Directorate.
MNLF = Moro National Liberation Front.
NSIB = National Security Intelligence for Bangladesh.
NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
NTBT = Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.
NNPT = Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty.
NDI = National Democratic Institute.
NATO = North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
NATA = North American Free Trade Organization.
NAM = Non- Aligned Movement.
NICAR = National Implementation Committee on Administrative Reform 
OAS = Organization of American States.
OPEC = Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.
OIC = Organization of Islamic Conference.
OECS = Organization of Eastern Caribbean States.
OEEC = Organization of European Economic Co-operation.
PLO = Palestine Liberation Organization.
PLO = People's Liberation Army.
RAW = Research and Analysis wing. 
SCO = Shanghai Co-operation Organization.
SALT = Strategic arms Limitations Talk.
START = Strategic arms Reduction Treaty.
SAARC = South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation.
SAPTA = SAARC Preferential Trade Arrangement.
SAFTA = South Asian Free Trade Area.
TI = Transparency International.
ULFA = United Liberation Front of Asian.
UNCED = United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. 
UNCLOS = United Nations Conference on the Low of the Sea. 
UNCTAD = United Nations Conference on the Trade and Development.  
UNDP = United Nations Development Program.
UNDRO =United Nations Disaster Relief Organization.
UNEDC = United Nations Economic and Development Commission.
UNEP = United Nations Environment Program. 
UNESCAP = United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific.
UNESCO = United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.  
UNFCCC = United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. 
UNFPA = United Nations Population Fund.
UNHCR = United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
UNIEF = United Nations Children Fund.
UNITA = United Nations for the Independence Total of Angola.
UNWCED = United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development. 
UNSC = United Nations Security Council.
WMO = World Meteorological Organization. 
WFP = World Food Program.
WHO = World Health Organization. 
WMD = Weapons of Mass Destruction.
WTO = World Trade Organization. 
WFP = World Food Program.
WASA = Water Supply and Swerage Authority.
ZPG = Zero Population Growth.