Make Sentence with Word Meaning

Posted on 1st Jul 2022 11:22:09 PM Grammar

Across : I can swim across the river.

Acting : She is our acting principal.

Action : Adverbs say how an action is done.

Active : He is an active worker.

Address : This is my mailing address.

Advice : Follow your doctor’s advice.

Afraid : Don’t be afraid of natural disasters.

Again : I want to go to school again soon.

Agree : They agreed to run a race.

Almost : Almost all students were present.

Amazing : The picnic spot was amazing.

Angry : The tortoise felt angry.

Application : Write an application to your Headmaster.

Around : There was water all around the school.

Arrive : I arrived at the station at 12:30 p.m.

Article : Write an article on your school library.

Asleep : The hare felt asleep.

Athlete : Many athletes from different countries compete in the Olympic Games.

Attention : Pay attention to your teachers.

Bake : I can bake bread.

Beach : Cox’s Bazar is the longest sea beach in the world.

Bean : Beans have protein.

Beautiful : The natural scenery of Cox’s Bazar is beautiful.

Believe : Keep believes on the Almighty. 

Below : The Pen is below the table.

Bend : He can bend an iron rod.

Blind : Maria is a blind girl.

Blow out : Blow out the candle.

Bone : Dairy products make our bone strong.

Born : Man is born free.

Borrow : I borrowed a book from our school library.

Bottom : What foods do you see at the bottom?

Bridge : The workers are repairing the bridge.

Business : He is a businessperson.

Cake : My mother made a cake for me.

Calendar : Death has no calendar.

Camp : We walked to our camp from the station.

Candle : There are candles on the cake.

Carefully : Cross the road carefully.

Carelessly : Don’t cross the road carelessly.

Carrot : Carrot increases our eyesight.

Cart : Cart was the only vehicle in the past.

Cartoon : I watch cartoons on TV.

Celebrate : We celebrate Independence Day on 26th March.

Chills : I have chills.

Chips :  Chips is a junk food.

Choice : We need to make good choices about food.

Clap : Clap your hands.

Classmate : She is my classmate.

Clever : He is a clever boy.

Colorful : I wrapped the gift with colorful papers.

Competition : The Olympic Games is the biggest sports competition in the world.

Connected : Internet keeps us connected with the world.

Continue : I shall continue my study.

Conversation : There was a conversation between you and Shohan.

Coral : Saint Martin’s Island is the only coral island in Bangladesh.

Corner : He was cornered by my arguments.

Cough : I had a cough yesterday.

Cousin : My cousin lives in the UK.

Crop : He grows crops.

Cruise : The cruses are exciting.

Cucumber : I like cucumber.

Cycling : Cycling is a good exercise.

Cyclone : Cyclone Aila happened in 2009.

Dairy : Milk and eggs are dairy products.

Dark : The sky was dark.

Delicious : Ice-cream is a delicious food.

Department : He works in a fire department.

Destroy : Last year, a cyclone destroyed many buildings and trees.

Different : They observe the day in different ways.

Dinner : I have my dinner at 9:00 P.M.

Direction : We should follow our teacher’s direction.

Disaster : There are many disasters in the world.

Document : Many rare documents are exhibited in Liberation War Museum.

Earthquake : Earthquake is a natural disaster.

Easily :  We made a kite easily.

Electricity : Cut off the main switch of electricity.

Emergency : Babul’s grandparents took emergency kit.

Energy : Food gives us energy.

Enjoy : She enjoys sewing.

Enough : Drink enough water.

Especially : Saikat likes books about animals, especially tigers and lions.

Exciting : The cruises are exciting and safe.

Exercise : Do the exercise.

Exhibit : Many rare documents are exhibited in the Liberation War Museum.

Experience : He has experience to do it.

Factory : Factory waste causes environment pollution.

Fairgrounds : Solakia is the largest Eid fairground of Bangladesh.

Famous : Jainul Abedin is a famous painter of Bangladesh.

Fantastic : It was a fantastic game!

Farm : Babul’s mother works in a fish farm.

Fashion : A magazine about clothes is a fashion magazine.

Fastest : The hare was the fastest animal in the forest.

Favourite : Pineapples and bananas are my favourite fruits.

Feel : Sima also feels very warm.

Feeling : Sima is feeling very warm.

Fever : Sima has a fever.

Field trip : Our class went on a field trip to the Liberation War Museum.

First aid kit : Bring me the first aid kit.

Flood : The river flooded the field.

Flu : Sima has the flu.

Forest : We walked beside a stream in the forest.

Fort : You can visit the fort of Isha Khan at Jangal Bari.

Forward : You should go forward.

Free time : I run in my free time.

Freedom fighter : We should respect our freedom fighters.

Frightened : The animals are frightened by noise.

Fruit seller : He is a fruit seller.

Funny : The game was funny.

Furious : The hare was furious.

Gallery : There are six galleries in the Liberation War Museum.

Gather : A compare is a gathering of cubs from different parts of Bangladesh.

Gentlemen : He is a gentleman.

Gibbon : We saw a gibbon in the tree.

Gift : The gifts are wrapped in colourful paper.

Glue : Put glue on one side of a bird.

Grain : Grains give us energy.

Grape : Grapes are sour.

Great : Jainul Abedin is a great painter of Bangladesh.

Ground : The largest Eid fairground is Solakia Eid Ground.

Guide : A guide was waiting for us.

Hanger : Tie the strings to the hanger.

Happen : No one knows when an earthquake will happen.

Hay : Hay is used as animal Food.

Headache : I also have a bad headache.

Headquarters : Kishoreganj is a district headquarters.

Healthy : We should eat healthy foods.

Healthy : We should eat healthy meal.

Hedge : There are hedges in our school boundary.

History :  Maria will study history in university.

Holiday : Jessica was on holiday with her father.

Host : The Olympics are held every four years in a different host city.

Hungry : Try to eat even if you aren’t hungry.

Idea : It is a good idea.

Important : There are many important places in Kishoreganj district.

Improve : Saikat wants to improve his English.

In front of : The park is in front of the school.

Information : Maria wants to know the information.

Inside : Inside the Book Fair, Tamal met Andy.

Intellectuals : 4 December is our Martyred Intellectuals Day.

Interesting : It was an interesting game.

Introduction : Give me an introduction of your district.

Island : Saint Martin’s is the only coral island in Bangladesh.

Journey : Have a good journey.

Juice : Drink a lot of water and juice.

Kitchen : Put these dishes in the kitchen.

Knee : Knee is a part of our body.

Know : Maria knows how to read Braille.

Landlord : The name Kishoreganj comes from the landlord Brojokishore Pramanik.

Language : They go to the English Language Club.

Laugh : The hare laughed and laughed.

Launch : We launched a debate competition.

Leader : There were 10 members and two leaders in our team.

Leaflet : Here is a leaflet.

Learner : Maria’s teacher says that Maria is a good learner.

Leave : We will leave the museum at 12.30 p.m.

Left : We left the museum at 12.30 p.m.

Leisure : I like to walk in the park in my leisure time.

Lend : Lend me your book.

Lentil : Lentils have protein.

Liberation War : We watched a video clip on our Liberation War.

Library : There is a library in our school.

Listen : Listen to your teachers attentively.

Literature : Writer of children’s literature Sukumar Roy is from Kishoreganj.

Little : Birds are little creatures.

Lizard : Pluck the lizard talked to the fox.

Load : In the country one meets blue carts with their loads.

Magazine :  I often read magazine in my free time.

Married : Use Mrs. for married woman.

Martyr : The 21st of February, 1952 is the Language Martyrs Day.

Measure : Measure your treasure in your leisure.

Meat : Meat have protein.

Medicine : I have to take this medicine to my grandmother.

Melt : Ice-cream melts soon in hot weather.

Midday : It is hot in summer midday.

Midnight : It was almost midnight.

Mother Language :  Bangla is our mother language.

Mud : Nipa was covered in mud.

Municipality : There are 8 municipalities in Kishoreganj district.

Museum : We went to the Liberation War Museum.

Nap : The hare had a nap.

Nation : More than 200 nations take part in the Olympic Games.

National Anthem : Rabindranath Tagore wrote our National Anthem.

Natural disaster : We should prepare for natural disasters.

Near : The college is near the bus stop.

Nearby : Is there a library nearby?

Need : I need to go to market.

Neighbourhood : She has a vegetable garden for her neighbourhood. 

Nest : The turtles make their nests on the beach.

Newspaper : I read newspaper regularly.

Next to : The library is next to the college.

Nickname : My nickname is Arora.

Nod : I nod him good morning.

Notebook : There was a notebook in his pocket.

Number : We were 12 in number in the group.

Nut : I like nut.

Oil : Fat and oil are at the top of the food pyramid.

Opposite : The school is opposite the park.

Outside : The jeep is outside the hut.

Painting : I like painting.

Panic : Everyone was afraid but no one panicked.

Pavement : We should use pavement.

Photograph : Some rare photographs are exhibited in Liberation War Museum.

Pick up : Pick up the box from the table.

Pleasure : It’s my pleasure.

Poem : I like the poems of Nazrul.

Poetry : Collection of poems are called poetry.

Politely : He answered politely to his father.

Popular : Cricket is a popular game.

Post office : The post office is behind the school.

Practice : Practice makes a man perfect.

Pray : Pray for your parents.

Prefer : I prefer milk to tea.

Prepare : I prepare my lesson at night.

President : Syed Nazrul Islam was the first acting president of Bangladesh.

Quickly : We should eat it quickly.

Quiet : Our leaders told us to be very quiet.

Quietly : Pluck and Moxie quietly went to Bluster's home.

Rabbit : Rabbit is a small animal with long ears.

Race : The tortoise won the race.

Rainbow : A rainbow held out it’s shining hand.

Rare : There were four permanent galleries that exhibited rare things.

Rattle : The Rattle snakes are very dangerous.

Rebuilt : People rebuilt their villages and bridges.

Recite : We sang song and recited poems.

Remember : Babul doesn’t remember Cyclone Aila.

Repair : People repaired their homes.

Repeat : They will repeat it after me.

Reporter : He is the reporter of English Club Magazine.

Request : Can I request you something?

Return : We returned home at 5.30 p.m.

Rhythm : English speech has it’s rhythm.

Ride : Did you ride a horse ever?

Rise : The River is rising.

River erosion : We lost some of our land because of river erosion.

Roof : The wind is blowing the roof away.

Safe : There wasn’t enough safe drinking water or food.

Sailing : You can go sailing.

Science : I will get admitted to the science group.

Script : Braille is a script that uses raised dots.

Sea truck :  You can go on wooden boats or sea truck.

Search : They searched Babul's grandfather.

Sew : She enjoys sewing.

Shape : The cake has a nice shape.

Share : Can you share your voice with us?

Shelter : Nipa’s school became the shelter for the survivors.

Signature : Bithi wrote her signature in the form.

Silent : Be silent please!

Similar : Potatoes and grains are similar.

Slowly : The tortoise walked slowly.

Smell : The flowers smell sweet and fresh.

Smile : The tortoise looked back at the hare and smiled.

Smoke : Smoke pollutes air.

Sneezing : Are you coughing or sneezing?

Soft drink : Water and juice are better than soft drinks.

Soon : Soon the fire fighters came and put out the fire.

Sorry : I am sorry for the matter.

Speak : Always speak the truth.

Special : Birthday is a special day to a person.

Specific : Give me a specific direction.

Spell : How do you spell your first name?

Spend : He spends his free time in gardening.

Spot : Cox's Bazar is the most famous tourist spot.

Spring : It’s a beautiful spring day.

Steadily : The tortoise walked steadily.

Storm : The storm starts.

Straight : Go straight and turn left.

Strange : He looks strange.

Stream : We took a walk beside a stream.

Street : Turn left on park street.

String : Make birds on string.

Suddenly : Suddenly, the family’s roof blew away.

Sure : Are you sure?

Surprise : He gave me a surprise.

Survivors : Nipa’s school became the shelter for the survivors.

Talkative : Laila is talkative.

Teach : She teaches English.

Temple : I saw the Shiva temple of Chandrabati.

Tent : We slept in our tents.

Terrible : The earthquake in Nepal was terrible.

Tie : Tie the strings on the hanger.

Title : What is the title of the story?

Tourist : Many tourist visit Cox’s Bazar every year.

Toy : The gift may be a toy.

Travel : We traveled from Dhaka to Sreemangal.

Treasure : Measure your treasure in your leisure.

True : It is true.

Tsunami : Tsunami is a natural disaster.

Turn : Turn left on the park street.

Turtle : Turtles make their nests on the beach.

Understand : We understand different food groups.

Useful : A cow is a useful animal.

Victory Day : 16 December is our victory Day.

Vine : I like grapes from the vine.

Visually Impaired :  Maria is a visually impaired girl.

Volunteer : Raju joined a volunteer fire department.

Warm : She feels warm.

Watch : Raju watches cartoons on TV every day.

Waterfall : There are beautiful waterfalls here.

Weather : The weather was nice.

Weekend : I play with my family on weekends.

Weightlifting : I like weightlifting.

Wildlife : I read a wildlife magazine.

Wind : The wind is blowing the roof away.

Wonderful : There are some wonderful waterfalls.

Wrapped : The gifts are wrapped in clourful paper.

Yard : He was playing in the school yard.

Young : He is a young man.

Zoo : Last month, I went to the Mirpur Zoo.