Posted on 2nd Jan 2022 10:04:09 PM Paragraph, Composition
The postal system is, as if, the nervous system of a country and the postman is a familiar figure in this system. He renders essential service to a community. In fact, he is an important link between a locality and the outside world. He comes door to door in his daily rounds of duties and delivers letters, telegrams, parcels, money orders etc. to proper persons. He holds a responsible job. An interview letter or an appointment letter of a person may be cancelled for late delivery. He brings happy news to someone and sad news to some other. Thus he carries mingled feelings of joy and tears. It is a pity that he is still ill-paid though he has a great responsibility of work. However, we must admit that he is a friend of our society.
Postman, Locality, Postal, System, Country, Familiar, Door, Letters, Telegrams, Parcels, Money, Orders, Proper, Persons, Interview, Job, Appointment, Happy, Sad, News
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