Posted on 25th Jun 2020 11:58:42 PM Paragraph
(It) is very harmful for a man, a society and a nation. As a man, we live in society and to maintain peace and prosperity so we must be free from such a bad quality. Otherwise the peace and prosperity of a man’s life and a society will be obstructed in every step. It is harmful for not only a single person but also the whole nation. The man who wants to lead his life happily must avoid (it). Without avoiding it, none can hope to shine in life. It is one of those great curses that gradually destroy a man’s life of society or nation. So, all of us should be aware of its demerits. At first we should find carefully the cause of its origin and them take necessary steps to get rid of it. We must try get rid of it for nothing but our own interest.
বঙ্গানুবাদ: এটি অত্যান্ত ক্ষতিকর, একজন মানুষের জন্য, একটি সমাজের জন্য একটি ব্যক্তির জন্য। মানুষ হিসাবে আমরা সমাজে বাস করি। আর সমাজে তথা জীবনে শান্তি ও সমৃদ্ধি আনয়নের জন্য আমাদের অবশ্যই এ ধরণের মন্দ দোষ হতে মুক্ত থাকতে হবে। অন্যথায় মানুষের জীবনের ও সমাজের শান্তি ও অগ্রগতির প্রতি পদক্ষেপ বাধাগ্রস্থ হবে। এটি শুধুমাত্র একজন মানুষের জন্য ক্ষতিকর নয়-গোটা জাতির জন্য ও ক্ষতিকর। যে মানুষ জীবনকে সুখীভাবে পরিচালনা করতে চায়। তাকে অবশ্যই এটি ঐ সমস্ত ভয়ঙ্কর অভিশাপ গুলোর মধ্যে একটি - যে অভিশাপ গুলো ধীরে ধীরে মানুষের জীবন ও জাতিকে ধ্বংস করে দেয়। সুতরাং আমাদের সবারই উচিত এর অপকারীতা সমপর্কে সচেতন হওয়া। প্রথমে আমাদের এটির উৎস সম্পর্কে জানতে হবে এবং তারপর এটি হতে মুক্ত হওয়ার জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় পদক্ষেপ নিতে হবে। আমাদেরকে এর বিরুদ্ধে পদক্ষেপ নিতেই হবে এবং তা অন্য কারণে নয়-আমাদের নিজের স্বার্থেই।
1) Anarchy - অরাজকতা
2) Tension - দুঃচিন্তা
3) Frustration - হতাশা নীচু মানসিকতা ও নিরক্ষরতা
4) Sick mind and illiteracy - নীচু মানসিকতা ও নিরক্ষরতা
5) Bad- temper - বদ মেজাজ
6) Flattery - তোষামোদ
7) Idleness - অলসতা
8) Selfishness - স্বার্থপরতা
9) Superstition - কুসংস্কার
10) False- hood - মিথ্যাচার
11) Terrorism - সন্ত্রাস
12) Rumor - গুজব
13) Bribe - ঘুষ
14) Copying in the Examination - পরীক্ষায় নকল
Or, Taking Unfair means in the exam - পরীক্ষায় অসুদপায় আবলম্বন
1. Paragraph
(It) is very important virtue of our life. As a man we live in society and maintain peace in the society so we must have some noble virtues. (It) is is one of the most important qualities for a man to be an ideal social being . If we don’t have (it) the peace in the society will be obstructed. Besides, (it) is such a quality that leads a man to a successful life. Without (it) the possibility of being a famous person is very little. If we read the life history of the noble and famous persons. We can see that their success was largely dependent on it. So, it has a, great demand in preparing one’s life. In fact, (it) is preferable to wealth. One may have a vast property but he may be hated only for the absence of it. In fine, we can say that without this the peace and progress of a man’s life and society is quite impossible. Hence, all of us should try our best to culture this most valuable quality in our lives for our own interest.
বঙ্গানুবাদ: এটি আমাদের জীবনের একটি অত্যন্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বৈশিষ্ঠ্য/গুণ বিশেষ। একজন মানুষ হিসাবে আমরা সমাজে বাস করি। আর সমাজের শান্তি এবং অগ্রগতি বজায় রাখার জন্য আমাদের কতকগুলি মহৎগুণ অব্যশই থাকতে হবে। সমাজের একজন আর্দশ্য সদস্য হওয়ার জন্য একজন মানুষের যে গুণাবলি অত্যন্ত প্রয়োজনীয় সেগুলোর মধ্যে এটি অন্যতম। যদি আমাদের এটি না থাকে, তবে সমাজের শান্তি প্রতিষ্ঠা বাধাগ্রস্থ হবে। তাছাড়া এটি এমন একটি বৈশিষ্ট যা একজন পুরুষের অথবা মেয়েকে সফল জীবনের দিকে পরিচালিত করে। এটি ছাড়া একজন মানুষের জীবনের সফলতার সম্ভবনা অত্যন্ত ক্ষীণ। আমরা যদি মহৎ এবং বিখ্যাত ব্যক্তিদের জীবনী পড়ি-তবে দেখতে পাই যে তাঁদের জীবনের সফলতা এটির উপর বহুলাংশে নির্ভরশীল ছিল। অতএব একজন মানুষের জীবন গঠনের প্রস্তুুতির ক্ষেত্রে এটির ব্যাপক ভূমিকা রয়েছে। প্রকৃতপক্ষে এটি সম্পদ অপেক্ষা ও বেশী মুল্যবান। একটি মানুষের বিশাল সম্পত্তি থাকতে পারে কিন্তুু কেবলমাত্র এটি না থাকাই সে ঘৃণিত হতে পারে। পরিশেষে আমরা বলতে পরি যে, এই মহৎ গুণটা ছাড়া সমাজ এবং একজন মানুষের শান্তি এবং উন্নয়ন অসম্ভব তাই আমাদের সকলের উচিৎ এ মূল্যবান গূনটা, আমাদের জীবনটা গড়তে, আমাদের চেষ্টা করা উচিৎ আমাদের নিজেদের স্বার্থের জন্য।
1. Discipline - শৃঙ্খলা
2. Politeness - ভদ্রতা
3. Morality - নৈতিকতা
4. Honesty - সত্যতা
5. Friend ship - বন্ধুত্ব
6. Kindness - দয়া/ মায়া
7. Courtesy - সৌজন্যতা
8. Confidence - আত্মবিশ্বাস
9. Industry - পরিশ্রম
10. Sacrifice - উৎসর্গ
11. Patriotism - স্বদেশ-প্রেম
12. Knowledge - জ্ঞান
13. Patience - সহিষ্ণুতা
14. Well-behavior - সদাচরণ
15. Education - শিক্ষা
16. Faithfulness - বিশ্বস্ততা
17. Common Sense - বিবেক
18. Education - আত্মনির্ভরশীলতা
19. Truthfulness - সম্ভ্যবাদিতা
20. Punctuality - সময়নুবর্তিতা
21. Love for People - মানুষের প্রতি ভালবাসা
22. Integrity - সততা
23. Obedience - আনুগত্য
24. Modesty - বিনয়
25. Perseverance - অধ্যবসায়
2. Patriotism
Patriotism means the love for a country. It is a noble virtue. It is an inherent and innate virtue in human life. Everybody should grow this habit fully in mind. It encourages a man to sacrifice his life for the country. A patriotic man never thinks for him. He has broad and strong sensibility. Patriotism keeps a man aloof from all evil deeds. It leads a man to honest living and honest thinking for the country. A patriotic man leads a noble life. He is not self centered. He dies a noble death. Everybody remembers him after his death. An unpatriotic man is a heinous person. He is despised by all. Every one of us should show this virtue. Only lip service for the country will not work. We have to have real patriotic feelings.
3. Tree Plantation
Trees are very valuable and useful to us. They give us flowers, fruits and fuel. Many types of furniture are made from the wood of the trees. Fruits, barks and leaves of a large number of trees and plants are used to make drugs and medicine. Research findings show that forty percent of American drugs come from rainforest plants. Quinine, an anti-malarial drug, comes from the bark of a tree. The snakeroot plant is used to treat hypertension and high blood pressure. Trees protect the land from river erosion. Man and other animals exhale carbon dioxide. The green leaves of the trees take in this carbon dioxide to prepare food, and give off oxygen. We cannot live without this oxygen. Trees help to prevent the greenhouse effect. They help to reduce global warming. They save our houses from storm and flood. They give us shade so that we can save ourselves. from the heat of the sun. But people do not understand the usefulness of trees. They cut trees indiscriminately. As a result the world is warming day by day. The pattern of climate is also changing. The Government of Bangladesh should take some steps to prevent deforestation.
4. E-mail
Electronic mail is popularly known as email. It is used for communicating textual messages via electronic means. Email is delivered to individual electronic mailbox based on computers. In email, we need a personal computer, a modem and a telephone connection. E-mail has brought about a revolution in modern communication. It reduces the use of paper. Internal memos and reports can be exchanged electronically without using paper. Messages can be sent from one co to another within seconds. Moreover it is cheaper than telephone calls. Trade and commerce has become dependent on this speedy mode of communication. However, it has not reached everyone in Bangladesh as most people are poor and cannot afford to have a personal computer. Only a few people have started using it commercially. It is a matter of hope that the present Government of Bangladesh wants to build up ‘Digital Bangladesh’. In order to implement this, the government has decided to perform all its official work with the help of computer. As a result, the importance of e-mail will increase in future. Computer studies will be a compulsory subject at the primary and secondary levels of our education. The price of a computer set has become low. In order to use e-mail easily, the government has reduced telephone call charge.
5. Facebook
Facebook is a social networking system-It helps to communicate among people all around-Care should be taken in using facebook. Facebook is a n internet based social networking system. It works through a computer. Anyone having a personal computer with internet connection can easily access to Facebook. He also needs an e-mail address. One has to fill up a form with his detail. He has to keep a hidden password to ensure privacy and secrecy. People can easily communicate with others worldwide through Facebook account. They can exchange pictures, information, invitation, photos, and documents. Friendship has become possible through Facebook. One can easily send comment on anything through this Facebook account. One can easily talk with his friends. Thus, Facebook network has brought a golden opportunity for the people. But sometimes, perverted people send naked pictures through this Facebook and demoralize the society. Thus, we should be careful about using the face.
6. Eve Teasing
Eve teasing is a common word. Eve teasing is a euphemism used in Pakistan and Bangladesh for public sexual harassment, street harassment or molestation of women by man. It is proved that Eve-teasing is a notoriously difficult crime. The perpetrators often devise ingenious ways to attack women. It is usually occurs in public place. Public transport, park and street. It’s has a huge bad effect in our society. As a result some girls already dead. The worst sufferers are University girl, middle class young women. It is a great shame. If it be continued our social value will be damaged. Not only government but also media need to take proper steps to prevent Eve teasing to build up a beautiful society. Electronic media can do a lot to prevent it by awaking its bad effect. Only joint hard can prevent it and we can imagine a beautiful society.
7. Mobile Phone
Mobile phone is one of the wonderful gifts of science. It is a higher edition of wireless. It is portable and handy. A man can use it standing at any place. It has brought a great change in communication section. It has made the world closer. We can communicate with any one at any distance. It works instantly. It works with the help of towers. It is cheap and easy to access. Any sort of people can easily handle it. The blessings of mobile phones are immense. But it is said that the excessive use of mobile phones can create harm to us. The use of it by children can hinder their normal growth. Terrorists continue their evil deeds with the help of mobile phones. Moreover, mobile phones encourage us to spend money. In our country there are pervasive use of mobile phones. But here call charge per minute is very high. Everyone wishes that government will take steps to lessen the call cost of mobile phones per minute. If everyone of our country can take the help of mobile phone, we will be able to adjust ourselves with the current world.
8. Internet/Computer/Mobile Phone/Email/Fax/TV/Sat/Dish
Modern age is the gift of science. There are many valuable inventions of modern science. We cannot think of modern age without it. (It) is very helpful for us. It has made our life easy and comfortable. It has lessened our labour and work. It has also made our work very easy and simple. It has greatly helped us to know the work around us. It has conquered the distance among the countries of the world. It has brought all the people of the world close to one another. With the help of (it),We can easily get the information happening in the remote part of the world within a very short time. People of different classes are getting its facilities cheaply and easily twenty four hours. Though it has so many facilities it is not free from curse/demerits, sometimes it harms us if we use it for bad purpose. On the other hand, It will be a pure/unmixed blessing if we use it for noble purposes.
9. Friendship
Friendship is a state of union or attachment between two persons. It is a divine blessing. It appears as a harbinger of peace and satisfaction among the perturbed minds. It springs between two persons from the sameness of mind, temperaments, feelings, attitudes, ideologies, linguistic affinities etc. it also springs from mental respect and long attachments. If it is formed, it involves the persons to the path of perfection. A true friend always stands by our side in evil days. He never betrays his friend. The people bound by friendship enjoy life perfectly. Friendship broadens our mind and refines our outlook. It helps to shake off our shyness and prejudices. From the closeness of heart, man can realize the essence of life. Thus friendship sustains two souls in all dire and good situations.