Write a Paragraph about Ayla

Posted on 17th Aug 2021 08:38:03 PM Paragraph, Short Note

Bangladesh is a land of natural calamity. Ayla is one of them. It took away many lives and people suffered a lot. Ayla is a natural calamity. On the day of Ayla it was drizzling from the morning. In the afternoon the wind started to blow strong and in the evening both the rain and wind become too strong. The water of the river started to rise too. A strong wind blew the roofs of the people. The breaking sound of trees and buildings could be heard all around. People were screaming and crying around. Everything was so dark. Ayla had completely ruined the area. It had become the valley of death. People were shocked in pain and grief. People took shelter in the nearby schools. There had no sleep. People suffered from many diseases. Ayla had done a great loss to us but we did not give up our hope. People with great courage rebuilt their condition.